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“I'm not suggesting a miracle. I offer health” - says famous american doctor Andrew Rochford about a new drug to combat obesity
The american Institute of Health and Welfare estimates that 18.4% of the total number of illnesses in america were caused solely by overweight and obesity these diseases are the cause of poor living of the two out of three american adults and one out of four american children, and the number of adults living with obesity has more than doubled in the last ten years.

The numbers are impressive. You can't pass by such people calmly if you took the Hippocratic oath.

Obesity affects people from all layers of society, with different levels of education and wealth, although some groups suffer from it more than others. For example, people living in the outback, aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, as well as residents of areas with a low socio-economic level, are more susceptible to this disease.
But the “rich also cry”: those who have raised their social status to an unprecedented height also want to raise their health to sky-high heights, and this is not always possible. Sometimes because of genetics or concomitant diseases - such as diabetes or hypertension - sometimes because of an elementary lack of time (well, a stockbroker can't find time for a normal lunch or going to the gym) or just laziness: a recent american study showed an average delay of 9 years from the moment when a person with obesity begins to struggle with its weight.
In general, everyone has their own reason.
We at the american Digital Health Agency believe that we have finally discovered a remedy that will help people fight their weight problems!

Doctor Andrew Rochford.
My name is Andrew Rochford and I am the head of the american Digital Health Agency, a project launched by our government in 2016.
I am a graduate of the University of USA Medical School, received a Bachelor of Medical Sciences degree, and then a Bachelor of Medicine degree with honors. I served at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane and then at the Royal North Shore Hospital in USA. I have worked a lot on a number of medical research projects, my work has been published in prestigious journals, including the Journal of Neurosurgery. I am saying all this so that you will understand: I know what I'm talking about.
And I will talk about losing weight.
The topic, it should be noted, is burning. It affects almost every american, in one way or another. How is this so, you ask? It's very simple: either you are overweight, or someone in your family, or maybe a friend, girlfriend, acquaintance, are subject to this scourge. These are statistics, and the numbers couldn’t lie.
According to the National Health Survey, 67.6% of americans reported being overweight, while 48% fell into the category of "obese". This is almost twice as much as in 1995. Moreover, from my own experience, I can say that these data are distorted downward, because people tend to overestimate their height and underestimate their own weight, two key criteria for determining the value of BMI. According to a study conducted by the Society for Combating Obesity, in the period from 2001 to 2025, the prevalence of normal healthy weight among the adult population will decrease to 22.9%, and the prevalence of obesity, respectively, will increase. It is also estimated that by the time 25-29-year-olds in 2000 reach the age of 60-64 years (2035), more than half of our population will suffer from obesity.

In general, the picture is depressing.
Now in america, a wide variety of weight loss products are sold. These are PhenQ, Leanbean, Trimtone, Powher and “former” diabetes medications (Wegovy, Ozempic, etc.), repurposed into weight loss products. However, if the first ones mostly just don't work, then the second ones are also dangerous.
These drugs increase the risk of acute pancreatitis, diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys and suicidal thoughts, and may also increase the risk of thyroid cancer. Even those who are on the side of Ozempic and Wegovy are not silent about nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. And although these drugs have been used – in lower doses – to control blood sugar levels in diabetics, there is no evidence of a long-term effect when used in high doses exclusively for weight loss. But these medications will certainly ease wallets; their colossal price tags siphon up to one and a half thousand dollars a month from americans. Analysts predict that the cost of treating obesity could rise from $3.4 billion in 2023 to $54 billion by 2030. Of course, some people lose weight on these drugs, but the weight returns as soon as their intake stops. This means that dangerous medications should be taken for the rest of your life!
Therefore, we can say for sure that all of the above drugs temporarily remove fat, or simply put, eliminate symptoms, distracting a person from fighting the disease itself.
I realized that the time had come when america needed a completely new drug acting on completely different medical principles. And if I don't create it, then who will create it?
After implementing telemedicine and digital technology projects in India, I founded the Indonesian subsidiary PT Docta Indonesia in Bandung, West Java, and then the Governor of West Java asked me to create 23 hospitals and 650 clinics throughout the province. In partnership with Aspen Medical, I am currently managing this major international infrastructure project as CEO of the Indonesian joint venture company PT Sanusa Medika.
This is not just information, but a systematic approach: working in Java, I realized that american and Javanese obesity problems are connected and became interested in new methods that island doctors use in their practice of treating obesity. Just like in america, the locals are seriously overweight, but they have learned to fight it, relying on extracts from local plants, with the addition of local minerals. And the binding component in all Javanese - and anti-obesity drugs from the Pacific Islands, in principle - was kava.

When I returned to america, I demanded carte blanche from the government to develop a new safe and highly effective drug that would help americans cope with the nationwide scourge of obesity, saying that I was not offering miracles, but only health. And I got the consent, as well as a team of excellent specialist researchers. After two and a half years, we present you an amazing development, gum Essentials KETO Gummies.
I am pleased to announce that the Essentials KETO Gummies supplement has been approved and included in the american Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG). It has successfully undergone all necessary testing and meets the quality and safety standards set by america.
By placing their trust in this product, patients can be assured of its quality and safety when used in accordance with the recommended guidelines and instructions.

The composition of Essentials KETO Gummies includes not only well-known components such as berberine, forskolin, pyruvate and conjugated linoleic acid, but also our exclusive: methylglyoxal, a component of manuka honey (this honey is produced only in america and New Zealand), which, when ingested, has a cleansing, anti-inflammatory effect and helps to increase immunity, strengthen the body as a whole and cleanse it of toxins and slow down the absorption of calories. This antioxidant is used for the treatment of obesity for the first time. We combined it with kava - which is known in our country as kava kava. And it gave amazing results.

The thing is that the pharmacological actions of kava and its main active components - kavain, dihydrokavain, methysticin, dihydromethysticin and yangonin - have an effect on suppressing the reuptake of norepinephrine and even dopamine. As well as inhibition of potential-dependent sodium channels and potential-dependent calcium channels. This leads to a very rapid cleansing of the body of the third type of fat and prolonged the weight loss.
All tests were carried out at the Albert Road Clinic and Gladstone Hospital, which kindly provided us with their facilities and laboratories for research. In total, 2,567 patients were analyzed, including 81% who were obese, 19% who “recovered” their former weight after a person seemed to get rid of it.
Rapid weight loss was detected in patients in the 35-55 age group (by 16 kg per week), and less rapid, but more stable (by 13-14 kg in two weeks) in the 55+ age group.

For almost five months, the lost weight was not restored in all age groups (patients were under outpatient supervision and ate the usual food, but took Essentials KETO Gummies one gum daily). About five percent of patients complained that after losing weight by 26%, the process slowed down, and in one and a half percent it stopped completely. But for 94% of patients, the weight slowly but surely continued to decrease when taking one gum a day.
In addition, no side effects in the form of migraines, diarrhea and hypertension were observed in any of the subjects. 11% felt a slight dizziness, which, however, did not prevent them from moving and performing the usual day and night manipulations, and which completely disappeared three weeks after the start of taking Essentials KETO. The results were highly appreciated by government and independent experts.
Experts' opinions

Doctor Megan Rossi.
Dr. Megan Rossi, a certified nutritionist, a leading researcher at King's College London, PhD, is considered one of the most influential experts on intestinal health in the world. She opened The Gut Health Clinic in London, where she heads a team of specialist nutritionists. Megan was the recipient of the 2017 British Medical Journal Open Gastroenterology prize ‘Best clinical science abstract for oral presentation’ and the British Nutrition Foundation ‘Drummond Pump Priming Award’. Megan is also an Honorary Lecturer at the University of Queensland, america.

«I was invited by the american government to test the local drug Essentials KETO Gummies. For three months, I, along with other researchers, observed a decrease in the body weight of patients at the Gladstone Clinic. Comprehensive measures aimed at physical activity turned out to be only moderately effective in weight loss in obese adult patients, while Essentials KETO Gummies treatment and light walks prescribed to patients to maintain the overall tone of the body led to excellent results. Essentials KETO Gummies treatment, combined with behavioral changes, had such a powerful effect on weight loss, with clear evidence of dose-effect dependence, that the research team did not have the slightest doubt about the effectiveness of Essentials KETO Gummies. The side effects of this drug should, of course, be taken into account and discussed with patients before its appointment, however, they are completely insignificant.»
Experts' opinions

Doctor Joanna McMillan.
Dr. Joanna McMillan, an experienced advocate for health and well-being, succeeds in translating complex science into easily understandable messages on various media platforms. Dr. Joanna's career spans three decades, and her experience as a nutritionist with a doctorate, a member of the american Society of Lifestyle Medicine and a graduate of the american Institute of Company Directors, distinguishes her as one of the most sought-after specialists in america in this field.

«I, as a nutritionist, was primarily interested in the findings of Dr. Andrew Rochford and his team: methylglyoxal, obtained from manuka honey and kava kava. These components proved to be crucial in the composition of Essentials KETO Gummies. Weight loss is always accompanied by stress for the whole body and the main, as it seems to me, effect of Essentials KETO Gummies is a soft and almost imperceptible “push” of the body to progressive release from excess fat. I was also impressed by the attitude of patients to the form of the drug - gummi: it caused a positive reaction from almost everyone taking it. In addition to the cute shape, gummi is also good because they begin to act not in the stomach, but on the way to it: the absorption of useful components of Essentials KETO Gummies begins in the mouth and continues in the esophagus, which, of course, speeds up the fat burning process. Our government and the american Digital Health Agency have taken a good step forward on the way to improving the nation.»
HOW TO ORDER Essentials KETO Gummies?
Unfortunately, our innovative activity of the Essentials KETO creation was not for the taste of pharmaceutical conglomerates, who stuck sticks in our wheels throughout the whole research. This is understandable: of course, we cannot compete with them in any way, but they had a lot of trouble from our Agency, because it is backed by the american government. A new drug is always a replacement for the old ones that have failed, but which, according to popular opinion, can still bring a lot of money. We, with our Essentials KETO, sticks in their craw.
Since this is an exclusively american initiative and is sponsored by the state, we decided to hold a limited promotion for residents of america who decide to get Essentials KETO Gummies for free. This is done in order to understand how much our citizens really need the product. The promotion is limited only in time: the first batches of Essentials KETO Gummies will be absolutely free for americans.
To participate in the promotion, you will need to go to the official website and fill out a questionnaire there, after which the hotline operator will call you and explain how to get a Essentials KETO Gummies for free.

«And I, Andrew Rochford, consider it my medical duty to remind you that fighting obesity alone (as well as taking fortresses) is quite difficult. We offer an assistant in the form of Essentials KETO Gummies, the action of which will make your life and the losing of excess weight much easier, as well as the realization that you are not alone in our complicated world.»
— Dr. Andrew Rochford


I have been using the product for 2 weeks now and I am thrilled with the results

I use to binge eat a lot as I always felt hungry but these have made me not want to eat snacks or much at all!
These are really quite amazing as I've tried loads of weight loss supplements and diets but found these are the only thing that works for me.
Gives me the energy I need to go for walks and reduces my hunger!
100% recommend